1001 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820 | M-Th 9A-9P, F 9A-5P,
Sa-Su events only | hello.ymca@universityymca.org  |  (217) 337-1500

Belinda Guillen

Immigrant Family Services, New American Welcome Center

“I'm from Puebla, Mexico and I arrived in the USA in March 2018. My journey with NAWC began in 2020. I have had the privilege to advocate for immigrant needs and to help build bridges that connect each community with the services that our organization offers. We ensure language access for the different communities we serve and for any immigrants living in Champaign County and the surrounding areas. I am very grateful to the Y for giving me the opportunity to develop personally and professionally. I have been given the opportunity to flourish and to open a path for more immigrants like me who also want to apply their knowledge and skills to contribute to the mission of the Y.”

This project was made possible by a grant funded by Team Up, a national collaboration between Catholic Charities USA, Habitat for Humanity International, YMCA of the USA, and Interfaith America.

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