Current Programs
Art @ the Y
Art @ the Y seeks to engage the entire community in issues of social justice, international understanding, environmental activism, faith and cultural understanding through quality arts programming. It's always free and open to the public.

Bailey Scholars Program
We award nearly $200,000 to undergraduate and graduate students with a strong record of leadership, scholarship, and a history of community service and volunteering.

Democracy and Citizenship
The University YMCA is committed to fostering a vibrant, inclusive democracy that works for everyone.

Dump & Run®
Dump & Run® keeps over 30 tons of used, quality goods out of Champaign-Urbana’s dumpsters and landfills each year by making these available to students and community members through the Big Sale. F&S at the University of Illinois coordinates Dump & Run collections during move-out week in May. The University YMCA is not involved and does not receive items or funds from that portion of the program.

Friday Forum + Conversation Café
A weekly forum to learn about and discuss pressing public concerns while enjoying free lunch from the Y Eatery. Friday Forum has been a continually running program at the University YMCA since 1927. Since 2021 the Y has partnered with Diversity & Social Justice Education at the University of Illinois and their Conversation Café.

Interfaith Action
It seems like wherever you look, you’ll find stories and images of religious strife, hatred, and violence. We work to change the narrative around religious difference by inviting those of all faiths and none to develop shared understanding and act with common purpose.

International Dinner
Join us on April 4th for the 40th International Dinner! Tickets are limited. Come and enjoy food trucks, desserts from around the world, and entertaining performances that showcase the cultural richness in Champaign County.

New American Welcome Center
The New American Welcome Center is a program of the University YMCA and seeks to make Champaign County a place where all people can live, thrive and contribute.

The Education for All Scholarship
The Education For All Scholarship’s intended purpose is to fund undocumented community college/high school students, or community college/high school students who arrived in the U.S. as unaccompanied minors in their pursuit of higher education at Parkland College.

Archived Programs

Support Programs at the Y!
With your support we offer and champion a diverse set of programs and student organizations committed to social justice, environmental protection, interfaith cooperation and global engagement by fostering dialogue, reflection and action.