It seems like wherever you look, you’ll find stories and images of religious strife, hatred, and violence. We work to change the narrative around religious difference by inviting those of all faiths and none to develop shared understanding and act with common purpose.
Upcoming Events
Monthly Public Interfaith Events at the Y: Great speakers, smart dialogues, and potlucks!
All people of religious and non-religious philosophical traditions are welcome! Questions? Contact Ann Rasmus at
First Tuesdays at 7pm
First Tuesday Interfaith Partners include: Illinois Interfaith Planning Committee, Interfaith in Action, OIIR/Diversity and Social Justice Education, University Housing, University YMCA
See our 2024 Interfaith Bridge Builders

Support the University YMCA Today!
With your support we offer and champion a diverse set of programs and student organizations committed to social justice, environmental protection, interfaith cooperation and global engagement by fostering dialogue, reflection and action.
Volunteer Opportunities
Unfortunately, we don't have any available positions at this time. Please check back in the future for more openings!
Sponsors & Partners

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Did You Know?
Faith has always been an important part of the mission and programming of the University YMCA. The Y has become a hub for student-led initiatives and community engagement around issues of faith, ethics, justice and equality. In 2008, staff proposed and the University YMCA's Board of Governors approved a set of new program initiatives, including Faith and Justice as a point of emphasis for our programming.
Recognizing that for many people their faith calls them to serve and work for justice, Y staff work to generate programs which connect faith with justice issues. The Y's building is often used to host interfaith action projects, as an example a Faithful Friend event organized near Thanksgiving brought members of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian congregations together to package meals for families in our community.
The Y is recognized as a safe, thoughtful interfaith space by both campus and community members. Following the tragic events of 911, the Y was an essential gathering place to talk, process and pray for students and faculty of all faiths.

Real Impact
“Before I participated in interfaith dialogues, I was really afraid to voice my opinion until I experienced this safe space where I could feel comfortable saying that I don’t understand and asking others about their experiences.”
-Shivali Patel, 2016 Intern For the University Y's Faith & Justice Initiative and member of Interfaith In Action, a student program of the University Y

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