1001 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820 | M-Th 9A-9P, F 9A-5P,
Sa-Su events only | hello.ymca@universityymca.org  |  (217) 337-1500

Rebecca Hodson

Associate Director, International Education

"Ever since International Education moved into Room 222 we were immediately struck by the thriving community at the Y. Partnering with the Y for intercultural programs has brought students and community members together to learn crochet, calligraphy, and other crafts. Seeing the legendary Miss V - ballroom instructor and extraordinary crafter - teach undergrads how to crochet and stick around an hour after the program was a particular example of bridge building that I don't think occurs all that often on campus. The Y is a vibrant space that brings people from many cultures together. We feel right at home in the Y."

This project was made possible by a grant funded by Team Up, a national collaboration between Catholic Charities USA, Habitat for Humanity International, YMCA of the USA, and Interfaith America.

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