Aditi Singh
Aditi Singh is the Illinois State Director at the Alliance for Safety and Justice, a national criminal justice reform organization that focuses on decarceration and the perspectives and needs of crime survivors. As a lawyer and policy analyst, she focuses on racial and social justice advocacy on the state and local government level. She has worked on education, housing, voting rights/civic engagement, healthcare, juvenile justice and criminal justice issues at the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, Chicago Appleseed, and AIDS Foundation of Chicago. Most recently, she was Governor Pritzker's criminal justice policy advisor where she coordinated public safety agency legislative and policy proposals as well as helped develop the Administration's criminal justice platform. As an immigrant, a resident of the Southside of Chicago since coming to America, and a former Chicago Public Schools student, she firmly believes in the power of directly-impacted communities shaping the laws and policies that affect them. She graduated with her bachelors (2012) and J.D. (2015) from the University of Illinois - Urbana, where she was actively involved with the University YMCA as part of the student group, Interfaith in Action.