Rev. Leah Robberts-Mosser
Since 2009, Rev. Leah Robberts-Mosser has served as Lead Pastor at Community United Church of Christ, a Just-Peace, Theologically Progressive, LGBTQ+ Open and Affirming congregation located in the heart of the University of Illinois. CUCC is the home to UCC Campus Ministry and Jubilee Café, a free, weekly meal. Being a pastor is her passion, especially in a place like CUCC where deep questions about faith are honored. She loves listening to people’s stories and connecting those stories to God’s ever-unfolding story in us. Leah lives with the other Rev. Robberts-Mosser, David, pastor of Trinity UCC in Westville, IL, and their children. She is a graduate of Hanover College and Chicago Theological Seminary, is currently working on a memoir, and is the co-host of the podcast Sex Positive God Pod: Progressive Pastors Answer Your Sex and Relationship Questions (